Just Like Magic… By Yasin Awwal

Is it just me, or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?
Is it just me that see improbable radiance in your face or does the sun also testify to your majesty?
Why does my pen seem unworthy to write you an eulogy and my words seem inappropriate?
Is it just me or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?

I am swept by your simplicity and lost in your glare.
I will do anything for that million dollar smile u always wear.
The smile that can befriend an enemy, and annul hatred.
The smile that can make goats bark and make cats moo.
Is it just me or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?

Why am I unable to see your flaws?
Why does everyone becomes as irrelevant as the “ay” in an “okay” when you are close by?
Why do I always feel like you are looking at me?
Is it just me or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?

Is it your eyes that I admire the most or is it your melodiously arranged teeth?
Is it the way you make me feel when I’m with you or the way you carry yourself that mesmerizes me more?
Is it your voice or your accent that further addicts me to you?
Is it just me or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?

What makes you so special?
Is it your name?
But you shall retain your Uniqueness even though you deny your name.
:It is that which makes a rose special amongst flowers that defines your spectacular nature.
It runs in your veins, you inhale it in your every breath and you live it in your every smile.
Is it just me or do you make everyone who sees you poetic?

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